Tools for Leading the Charge

Whether you are designing work for students or creating professional development sessions for staff or colleagues, the experience matters. If you are looking for ways to support your faculty or if you want to engage your students in more profound learning, look no further.

Introduction to the Schlechty Center

Introduction to the Schlechty Center

Schlechty Center's School and Classroom Standards

Schlechty Center's School and Classroom Standards

Schlechty Center's System Capacity Standards

Schlechty Center's System Capacity Standards

What is Working on the Work?

What is Working on the Work?

Schlechty Center's 10 Design Qualities

Schlechty Center's 10 Design Qualities

Questions for Student Focus Groups

Questions for Student Focus Groups

Digital Resources for Designing Work

Digital Resources for Designing Work

Designing Engaging Work for Students (Design Template)

Designing Engaging Work for Students (Design Template)

The Way Things Are, 
The Way Things Should Be

It can be difficult to do, but by using the metaphor of a learning organization and contrasting it with other metaphors, we can sometimes talk about relatively threatening aspects of existing operations without shutting down discussion.Use this tool…

It can be difficult to do, but by using the metaphor of a learning organization and contrasting it with other metaphors, we can sometimes talk about relatively threatening aspects of existing operations without shutting down discussion.Use this tool with your team. Each person can watch the animation and take the survey separately, then get together with their results for a group discussion. Click here to begin.

Transformational Change: A How-To Guide for Educatorsby Kathy Dyer and George Thompson

Transformational Change: A How-To Guide for Educators

by Kathy Dyer and George Thompson