The Superintendents Leadership Network was initiated in 1997 by the BellSouth Foundation to offer a high-profile response to the need in the Southeast for a focus on leadership development in the region’s public school districts. The uniqueness of this network lay in its focus on district-level leadership; the network was launched with the understanding that strong school-site leadership, while essential for successful schools and high-achieving students, would last only as long as the school district could support, sustain, nurture, and continually develop that leadership. Thanks to support from Cisco, the SLN evolved from a regional presence to a national one. Currently the Network is sustained with membership fees.
Schlechty Center is thrilled to become the legacy home to the National Superintendents Roundtable. This photograph of Schlechty Center and Roundtable leadership and board members was taken at formal announcement to SLN members on June 29, 2021.

Schlechty Center is thrilled to become the legacy home to the National Superintendents Roundtable. This photograph of Schlechty Center and Roundtable leadership and board members was taken at formal announcement to SLN members on June 29, 2021.

Dr. Steve McCammon (right), Executive Director, presents Dr. James Harvey (left) with NSR’s Robert Koff Award.

The National Superintendents Roundtable (NSR) is a professional learning network for school superintendents with a focus on relationship building and positively impacting education policy. We believe fiercely in the value of public education and provide experiences that highlight the need for and benefits of providing engaging educational experiences for every child.

Members of NSR can expect two annual meetings, one a reception at AASA’s national conference each winter and another National Symposium in the fall. Virtual meetings featuring both nationally-known speakers and our own esteemed members maintain a regular cadence for connection and learning throughout the year. Written summaries are provided for each speaker-based meeting and weekly e-mail newsletters capturing the latest news in the field of education are distributed on Friday mornings. 

The National Superintendents Roundtable is the successor to a Danforth Foundation network established in 1992 and has operated independently since 2006. NSR and the Schlechty Center entered into a partnership on September 30, 2021, bringing the two veteran, non-profit organizations together under one roof to better serve school superintendents. The Roundtable maintains its own network identity separate from the Schlechty Center’s Superintendents Leadership Network with opportunities for superintendents to join in some activities together.

National Symposium Summaries

Education for Democracy

This symposium was held at The Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia and was the first run by Schlechty Center.

40 Years After A Nation at Risk

This symposium was held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California

Understanding Defining Moments

This symposium was held in Montgomery, Alabama with visits to the Legacy Sites of the Equal Justice Initiative.

Our last NSR Symposium was held 09.17–19.2024 in Montgomery, Alabama. Planning for the next symposium is underway.


Schedule of Network Events

  • March 7, 2025, Network Collaborative Reception at AASA in New Orleans, LA, from 5:00–6:30 p.m. at the New Orleans Marriott Warehouse Arts District hotel

  • April 28, 2025, Virtual Speaker Series featuring Dr. Gudiel Crosthwaite, superintendent of Lynwood Unified School District

  • May 19, 2025, m­­ember check-in on Zoom sharing “What are you reading, and why does it matter?”

  • August 6, 2025, member check-in on Zoom with special guest Dr. James Harvey, NSR founder, sharing his new memoir Grappling With Ghosts

  • September 30–October 2, 2025, National Symposium at Milliken & Company in Spartanburg, SC. Transforming from Good to Great to Elite: The Milliken Journey—What can we learn from Milliken about leading transformation in our own organizations?

  • November 5, 2025, Virtual Speaker Series featuring Dr. Tony Watlington, superintendent of The School District of Philadelphia

  • December 3, 2025, Virtual Speaker Series featuring Gregg Behr and Ryan Rydzewski,  co-authors of When You Wonder, You’re Learning

  • January 14, 2026, Virtual Speaker Series featuring Dr. Theresa Rouse, superintendent of Joliet Public Schools District #86

  • February 13, 2026, Network Collaborative Reception at AASA in Nashville, TN, from 5:00–6:30 p.m.

  • March 11, 2026, Virtual Speaker Series featuring Dr. Rich Gilman, president and co-founder of Terrace Metrics

  • May 6, 2026, member check-in on Zoom